The article that blew me away this year, and that couldn't have come at a better time was this one from mcpactions: http://mcpactions.com/blog/2009/10/12/how-should-i-price-my-photography-words-of-advice-from-jodie-otte/.
The article is a very in-your-face & very detailed guide (no matter what your business is, really) on how to price products & services. It really lays it all out there on what your time is worth, and in the end, is it all worth it? The article specifically breaks it down for the Moms out there, equating time spent (working) to time lost (with family). It forces you to place values on what you do. All of it. And prioritize. If big effort and little reward is your life, it is time to rethink things. If your house and home are falling apart because you work, but you are barely, if at all, paying the bills - including daycare - can you justify it?
This article prompts a really good reality check. I've shared this with my entrepreneurial ladies from my Smart Cookies (http://www.smartcookies.com/) inspired Money Group. It is eye-opening. Just try it.
respect. reclaim. revitalize. your space.
Visual Girl
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